Top Celtic Bands of the Year

Yesterday, I came up with a cool article idea for my Music Marketing newsletter. It's about alternative ideas about gigging. The idea is that blogging or podcasting is an alternative form of gigging for me. I *perform* when I write a blog or record a podcast. In some ways it's even more effective than playing live shows, because more people hear me with each performance. As a result, I can more easily make my fan base grow.

Of course, then I miss out on that live interaction with the audience. But for the year ahead, with fewer live shows, that's okay. Instead, I can do one of the things I really love promoting Celtic music.

Best Celtic Music of 2010 from the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast

Top Celtic CDs of 2010 from the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine

Top Celtic Folk Bands

Renaissance Festival Awards from the Renaissance Festival Podcast