Two Albums to Wrap Up This First Week of August

I have a busy week ahead. I made a decision that Friday is my deadline for three recording projects. That doesn't even include the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast that's coming.

First up is Selcouth. I'm already 9 months behind on releasing this album. So it's time wrap it up. I have PLENTY of songs to include on it. In fact, I will probably cut some and save them for the next album…whatever that may be. 10-12 tracks is all I NEED. I have 19 to choose from!

I also need to figure out the album cover.

Next up is Another Faire to Remember. This is the Brobdingnagian Bards EP we plan to release at Dragon Con. My goal is to record 1-3 tracks to send to Andrew McKee.

I have until Friday to complete both of these albums. Plus, I need to finish up this week's Irish & Celtic Music Podcast.

Lots to do. Let's get started!