Two Monks Come Across a Naked Girl

From Seymoure:

Life is a gift, to waste it is the greatest sin. Do what you do, prepare as you can, and then move on. Worry never adds.

I used to tell the story of the two monks who are walking down a country road when they come upon a river. Suddenly a beautiful naked girl runs up to them. She says, “The river flooded everything I have away. My family is on the other side. Can you help me across to find them?” The younger monk is flustered, but the older one picks the girl up, throws her over his shoulder and walks across the river. When he reaches the shore he puts her down, and without a word, walks on. The younger monk follows, but his mind is not at rest.

After a couple of hours he stops his brother and says, “Brother, we are supposed to be above things of the flesh! And yet you picked that girl up and carried her across the river.” The older monk says, “Yes, and when I got to the other side I put her down. You have been carrying her ever since.” When it comes to using our time and energy every once in a while we have to put the girl down.