Upcoming CD Notice

Later this summer or possibly in the Fall, I hope to record my next studio album with Rich Brotherton, who also produced Whiskers in the Jar: Irish Songs for Cat Lovers. The concept behind this album is the fusion of traditional Irish music with American folk and blues. The title–How Irish Music Saved Civilization.

I'm really excited about this album, the chance to work with Rich again and the fusion of musical styles… I'm psyched. I don't entirely know what tracks will be on the album, except “Lil Bit of Love”, but I do have a nice list of songs that I am working on.

The trouble right now is $. I looked at my finances today, because I wanted to record a three-song single to promote the Civilization album. But boy are finances tight. I still owe nearly $7,000 on Whiskers in the Jar, plus hundreds on several other CDs. Money is tight.

One of the reasons I compiled Going for Brogue and What Color Is Your Dragon? was to raise money for this new CD. Unfortunately, it looks like I will have to be patient and recoup some money before I release a single. And certainly before I record a full album.

Meantime, I am practicing a lot to prepare for this new CD. It will be awesome… Now I just need to recoup some mullah!