Wealth Divide

One of the things I keep seeing on my social feeds is the complaints about the growing wealth divide. The rich are getting richer, the rest of us getting shat on. 

There are many reasons for this. It is in large part thanks to those “tax cuts” for the wealthy that ballooned our national debt and led to insane inflation. 

Putting the blame aside, the bigger question is what do we do about it?

That’s where fiscal responsibility finally comes into play.

And I’m not talking about just cutting social services. Because that isn’t real fiscal responsibility. 

Every business man knows that to maintain a business, you have income and expenses. That's a part of the business.

Fiscal responsibility means taxing the rich who successfully lobby and exploit our Congress and the American people. 

It means raising taxes on corporations. They are making record profits, thanks to bailouts by the government. I'm not happy but okay with bailouts IF that is part of the tax that they pay for those bailouts.

Yes, it does include re-examining government spending every year. 

However, every one of these CEOs, and any business person, like myself, know that the wealth divide is not caused by social services. That's like saying climate change is caused by me not recycling while corporations are pumping carbon into our atmosphere. It's a very small part of the problem.

The wealth divide is caused by the rich exploiting the poor and the middle-class. 

Money compounds on itself. The more you make. The more you will make if you have it.

In fact, cutting social services only hurts the poor and middle-class. Not the rich. They don’t need it. That's why the rail against social services to distract us from the fact that they aren't being taxed properly.

They also know that the only way to make changes that give them tax cuts and allow them to make more money is by buying politicians through campaign donations. 

However, we the people of the United States of America can do the same thing. It involves electing representatives who will hold the rich and corporations accountable. It involves making phone calls to our current representatives and telling them that we want actual fiscal responsibility like what I just laid out.

That is how we fix the wealth divide and also bring people together across party lines.