Wedding Ceremony Music

I played the autoharp this weekend at a house concert. I really love my instrument. It has such a beautiful sound. Today I was thinking it is the perfect wedding ceremony music instrument for people who want something beautifully different.

Imagine for a moment the sound of a classical guitar. Full and soulful. That's the autoharp. Add on top of that heartfelt and original. That's the autoharp. The autoharp is magical instrument. No one plays it, mostly because it is slow to tune. But it has such a wholistic and peaceful sound it can take your breath away.

That's one of the reasons I'm recording a CD of instrumental music, to highlight the magical sounds of the autoharp.

There's more to it than that, though. My band, the Brobdingnagian Bards, doesn't play too many Austin weddings, but listening to the autoharp over and over, I think it is the perfect wedding ceremony music. With or without the recorder, it's lush and tasteful. Just like Celtic weddings in general. When it's done, I'll probably release the album as a wedding CD too.

The music is just too cool not to.