Why Kilted For Her Pleasure?

I had this big discussion a while back about the whys and what fors of kilt wearing. I love my kilt. I love the colors, the comfort factor. The only downside really is my boots, of which I need a better replacement. While I love it, I also recognized that a large number of women love to see me, and other men, in kilts.

Before I ask the psychological question “Why?”, I thought I'd announce this new idea for a compilation CD–Kilted for Her Pleasure. Originally, I was just looking at creating t-shirts for the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Then I thought, this too cool a title not to make into a full album. So I decided a CD of music by Kilt-wearing Celts was in order.

Like the CD idea?
Also, if you enjoy seeing people in kilts, why?

More on the album as it progresses. Meantime, Celtic bands can submit music here (if they haven't done so already).