Will You Attend a St. Patrick’s Day Firefly Shindig in Austin?

Are you a fan of the TV show Firefly? The movie Serenity? Joss Whedon?

I may have an exciting event for you.

The Bedlam Bards and I are at it again. Last year, we started recording a live album called Firefly Drinking Songs. Most of the songs were good to go, but there were a couple we want to re-record. But we need a venue.

I thought it would be pretty awesome if we hosted St. Patrick's Day Shindig, but the problem is we need a venue. Then the thought occurred to me, “Why don't we rent a space in a hotel?” We could either rent a suite or an activities room and have a big ol' party.

But the big question is IF we book it WHO WILL COME?

I need to see a show of hands. Not people who Want to come but can't. I need actual numbers. So visit the top right of my website and you'll see a poll.

I haven't checked the cost of the venue yet, but I'm guessing tickets would be $15 at the door, $12 in advance. It'll probably be BYOB. The event would be on Thursday, March 17th starting at 7pm.

Will you join us?

Oh! And did you remember that St. Patrick's Day is also my birthday?