Would You Review “The Bridge” For Me?

First, let me say that I LOVE my next CD Kilted For Her Pleasure. The album is just plain fun. It's kilted Celtic comedy music with a lot of songs that I love to play live: “Close Your Eyes”, “Kilted For Her Pleasure”, “Monahan's Mudder's Milk”, “A Drop of Vulcan Blood”, “The Widow and the Devil”…. And the list goes on.

That said, my favorite album is still The Bridge. The songs fuse a bit more blues and jazz and American folk. It's overall more ballady, but it's also fairly upbeat, and just plain… delightful.

It's beautiful. Produced by Rich Brotherton, the instrumentation is just amazing. And I love the songs. Wow, do I love those songs! I will be speaking its praises for years to come.

That said, I'd like to get your thoughts on the album.

Right now, there are only a few reviews on CD Baby and none on iTunes.

Would you do me a favor and post a few comments about the CD?

Review The Bridge on CD Baby

or Review and/or Rate it on iTunes

It will just take a moment to do. Because you don't have to write a long-detailed review. Something short and sweet that says why You enjoy the CD will do.

Thanks in advance for  Your help!
