Your List Of The Best Irish Drinking Songs

Irish people (and lovers of Irish culture) are a little different—in case you hadn’t noticed. While most people have a list of favorite books or a top ten list of “best movies”, Irish people typically can name their top Irish drinking songs. And sometimes, in order too!

That said, not all the best Irish drinking songs will be the same on each person’s list, but that is part of the charm of it all. Some people will choose a song based on the lyrics, while others like a certain rhythm and feel. Still others will pick one because of the atmosphere that was in the pub the night they first heard the tune.

There are topical choices as well. Obviously someone who is a true beer lover probably won’t pick “Whiskey in the Jar” as their song of choice. But they just might select something like “Beer, Beer, Beer” don’t you think?

Another basis for selection is pure camaraderie. Some people really enjoy the bonding that comes with singing a drinking song with other people. A few drinks and some good conversation can go a long way toward new friendships, but an Irish drinking song can seal the deal if there was any doubt about things. It’s a happy place to be. Especially with new found friends.

Because choosing a favorite Irish drinking song is such a personal thing, it tends to say something about the man or woman that selected it. If you are curious about this—simply ask the person why they picked the song as their favorite. Their answer will tell you more about them than their diary would. You’ll see…

So this begs the question—what is your top Irish drinking song? And just as importantly…why?

This may take a moment of thinking…or perhaps you already have an answer ready. We’d love to hear your pick in the comments section below. Be sure to take a peek at the other choices out there too—we’re pretty sure there will be some tunes you’ll recognize—but there might be a few you can add to your list as well!

Find some classic Irish Drinking Songs here. Listen to some rockin Irish drinking songs here. And if those podcasts aren't good enough, check out these Irish Song Lyrics. Maybe you'll find some good music to go with it.

Catherine L. Tully is a freelance writer and photographer who specializes in the arts. She has written for American Style and Classical Singer, among other magazines, and for the Celtic Music Magazine for nearly 15 years.

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