2019 Promotion Plan… In Review

It was a good year. But you wouldn’t guess so considering the number of goals I failed to reach.

I had poorly laid out plans. And bad goals.

This year, I said I’d do less on social media, I’d blog more, and I would relaunch the Pub Songs Podcast. I did less on social at the beginning of the year. I blogged, um, more… and I now have a workable format for the podcast. But those weren’t really goals.

To be fair, those were part of my marketing plan. I didn’t announce the trackable goals like getting X number of Patreon, Facebook and YouTube followers. It didn’t include some video goals I didn’t follow through with either.

Overall, it was poorly planned. So I saw poor results with my music business. Yet I still feel like it was a good year. Odd that.

Maybe it has to do with the personal goals I achieved, like developing an exercise routine and settling into a new home.

Or maybe it’s because I wrote more songs this year that I’m proud of than I’ve written in a years.

Heck! I went to see Frozen 2 recently and found myself diving head first into the “theme” of the movie. In part, because it was pretty obvious. But also because of the In the ‘Verse podcast, I think about those things.

So what are my goals for 2020? And how will I achieve them?

As I sit here rereading what I wrote, I realize one of the big reasons for my failure to set goals was our instability at the beginning of 2019. We didn't know where we would live. I had trouble planning because there was so much uncertainty.

Now we are settled in Atlanta. My youngest daughter is at an age that allows me to start gigging. It's time to actually make plans. Real plans.

What are my goals for 2020? And 2025? And what about 2030? Can I plan that far ahead?

Well, that's what I will start working on. Stay tuned…