What To Do With 60+ Celtic Songs?

This time last year, I was in Kentucky recording Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits and other music.  There are still over sixty songs that I haven't released from that recording session.  I was trying to decide what to do with them.  Should I release an album of Scottish Songs of Drinking and Rebellion?  Should I release another companion CD for my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers albums?  What should I do with it?

I want to focus my promotion on Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits, but that doesn't mean I can't do something new and interesting with those songs.  So I finally made a decision.

I'm not gonna release another full-length album right now.

I will slowly add additional instrumentation and mix the songs I have recorded.  I will release some of the songs for free through the Free Celtic Songs, Irish Songs and More Podcast.  Every time I finish a theme of five songs, I'm gonna release an EP, exclusively available as a digital download.  Once I finish those twelve EPs, I will pick and choose songs to go into full-length albums that will be printed and staggered out over time next year.

Thanks so much for all your support.  You can help me by sharing this music with your friends.  And stay tuned for new music coming soon.