A Quick Update

Well, for those who were wondering. I am still sick. Went back to the Docs today because my asthma has kicked in past couple o'days. He gave me Prednisone. So now I'm not coughing nearly as much, but I'm majorly wired. Yet, I still haven't finished the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast that I need to finish.

This weekend, we are off to New Jersey for a wedding. I think on Sunday, Andrew and I are gonna join the wedding party and visit the New York Ren Faire. We're not bringing instruments. Just gonna visit. I figure I'll try and meet some of the local musicians for the Renaissance Festival Podcast. I'm thinking pirate garb…

Nothing came together for house concerts out there, so we return home on Tuesday.

Good thing about returning early is I can finish some projects before MiddleFaire up in Hillsboro for my first solo show at a Ren Faire. That should be interesting. I have lots of music obviously. And I can even play some cat songs. But I need to practice them.

Nothing has come together for Boston/NE-area house concerts. And while I was hoping to go up there just for vacation and to see the area, I am having second thoughts. Money is kind of tight, right now. So I might have to forego that trip unless I can find a gig.

Today, my mom invited me to spend Christmas in Germany with her. Supposedly the weather gets rather foul there that time of year, so here's hoping I'll have or find some snow! I was looking at the idea of flying to some place with snow for Christmas. With my luck, it'll snow again in Austin while I'm gone. Ah well… At least it's a trip to Europe.

Speaking of which, if there's anyone in Germany who'd be willing to help me book a gig or two. Please let me know.

As for gigs, Andrew's been on a nice rampage of booking. So I'm hope hoping *crosses fingers* that we might have our Spring schedule filled up in the next month.

That's all for now. Slainte!
-Marc Gunn, Bard

PS. Oh! My graphic designer for a lot of projects like the Ren Fest Podcast, my new CD Single and much more, James McDaniel II, has a cool new store on Cafepress called Dumb Ogre Designs. It features a lot of great shirts with some classical quotes and what not. It looks really sharp! Check it out here.