Home Again! And Some Updates…

The past couple o'days rest was really good for me. My coughing was about vanished on the way to the airport this morning in New Jersey. And right now, I'm doing okay. Though I felt shortness of breathe shortly after exiting the airport. So yeah, I'm feeling the pollen already.

But it's great to be home with my kitties. They're happy to see me. My new tune will have a name very shortly. And A Tribute to Love is now in production. Should be shipped soon. I decided that the official release will be in February (just in time for Valentine's Day). But everyone who has pre-ordered and is helping me get the word out will, of course, get copies much sooner. And I should have Three Movie and TV Songs for Geeks Like Me in my hand really soon.

The Ireland tour is all set to go and we have our first person signed up. That means there's 19 more spots to go! I'll be sending that out to the Bards Newsletter soon.

Show #39 of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast, I hope to have up tonight. And I already made the shownotes for #40 too. Woot! And have notes for the Ren Fest Podcast too. So “Hey Kristen! Let's record!” On the other downside, my digital recorder got smashed on the trip. I'm hoping my NYRF recordings came out okay. But grrr… I need a new one now. That's frustrating as hell as money is definitely tight. And I was hoping to get Kristen a new microphone to improve the sound quality of the Ren Fest Podcast. Think that might have to wait until I finish the Ren Fest Podcast compilation CD. On the bright side, I have a lot of music to choose from. It's practically done.

Umm… Looks like I have this weekend off after all. And that's good. I'll need the time to catch up on podcasts, the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine, Song Henge, and the Ren Fest CD.

Last, I plan to get out of the apartment more this coming week. I need to get out more and get back to yoga. Been spending too much time at home.