CG036: Celtic Music News Flash

While chatting with Haggis Rampant this weekend at a wedding, I learned of an exciting new development in the Celtic music world. It revealed the return of one of my favorite musicians to the Celtic music scene. Don’t miss this Celtic music news flash! Today’s show is brought to you by the Celtic Invasion of […]

CG035: Adventures in Asheville

We drove to Asheville, North Carolina for the wedding of our friends. It was not only an awesome wedding but a great family adventure too. We saw a lot of great sites along the way. We even caught some 3rd of July fireworks. Find out all about it in this week’s Celtic Geek at Today’s […]

#163: Homesick for Ireland

Irish Celtic music from Beth Patterson & Patrick O’Flaherty, Inisheer, Marc Gunn & Jamie Haeuser, Samantha Gillogly & Tim Maurice, Jim Brannigan, Kila, Seamus Kennedy, Castlebay, Christiane Cargill, David Hum, Icewagon Flu, Bill Grogan’s Goat, Hawp. If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and […]

CG034: Intergalactic Celtic Festival cont.

Some insights regarding the Celtic Geek Con and some thoughts I earned from listening to the audio book “Quiet”. I started listening to a new audio book today by Susan Cain. It’s called Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. And yes, today’s show is sponsored by Audible. You can […]

Early Draft of the Christmas Elf Conscription Song

I was going through some old notes and I found some lyrics that look like an early version of the Christmas Elf Conscription Song. I was about to delete it, but I thought I’d share instead. Maybe it’ll even cool you since we’re still half a year away from a Celtic Christmas. FYI. I’m planning […]

#162: Workout with Rockin’ Celtic Music

Irish Celtic music from The AM String Band, The Bringers, Round the House, Boston Blackthorne, Sassanak Lassies, Kinfolk, Fathom, Skeeal, Clandestine, Beer Belly, The Elders, Hair of the Dog, Searson, Celtica Pipes Rock!, Murder the Stout, Mabon, Rising Gael. If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our […]

Details for the 2015 Celtic Invasion of Donegal, Ireland Coming Soon

I’ve already started compiling a plan for next year’s Celtic Invasion Vacation. Next year, we’re going to Donegal, Ireland and the Giant’s Causeway. You don’t want to miss this exciting trip. So sign up to the mailing list at Then at the beginning of July, 2014, you will be able to reserve your spot […]

New Additions to Friday Night Live! at GenCon

Friday Night Live continues the tradition of bringing comedy music to GenCon on Friday night. It’s back once again this year. At present, we are adding two new artists to the comedy music lineup: Pandora Celtica and Sarah Donner. They will join the Great Luke Ski, Mikey Mason, Dan the Bard, the Damsels of Dorkington and […]

Sci Fi Drinking Songs Album Cover and Off to the Printers

I am happy to announce that Sci Fi Drinking Songs is done. I sent it off to the printers this morning. Right now, it is scheduled to arrive by about July 10th. Then I will start mailing CDs to everyone who pre-ordered them starting with those who did so for Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion. […]