What’s Up with Sci Fi Drinking Songs?

Sci Fi Drinking Songs is the name of my next album. The name says it all. I started using that name for some of my shows at science fiction conventions. It has been a great success, especially at GenCon where I get scores of people at my shows. I have a bunch of songs planned […]

“Romulan Ale” (Lyrics, Star Trek parody of “Nottingham Ale)

by Marc Gunn, Feb 10, 2014 parody “Nottingham Ale”, Liliburlero – English, 17th century Playford tune and parent of the song Performed by Marc Gunn From CD: Sci Fi Drinking Songs When Vulcan was filled with emotions and war To pull them from extinction there arose but one man Surak deplored, “Emotions are bad. Suppress all […]

Pub Songs #132: Earth-Shattering News from the Pub Songs Podcast

My voice is a little rough today, so I kick off the show with the one song in this episode. It’s “Whiskey, You’re the Devil”. Then I share some extremely important news for all the fans of Marc Gunn’s Pub Songs Podcast. You DO NOT want to miss this Plus, I gear up for the […]

Topping the Celtic Charts with Real Competition

Ever since 2000, when the Brobdingnagian Bards first started charting on MP3.com, I have loved to see how my music would continue to chart on some scale. Charts are an important part of the music business. Billboard Top 100 determines what the most-popular songs are in the world in any given week. iTunes and Amazon […]

#151: A Brilliant Collection of Celtic Music

Irish Celtic music from The Willis Clan, Brian Hebert, Burning Bridget Cleary, Chris Digby, Lachlan, Pipedance, Sybil and Sorley, Dolan, Seraphina, BlackEyed Dempseys , Jasper Coal, Sisters of Murphy, Vintage Wine, Sassanak Lassies. www.celticmusicpodcast.com If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to […]