Pub Songs #99: Wild Irish Drinking Songs

Square for musicians A couple new Marc Gunn YouTube Videos Two new Irish & Celtic Music Podcast Shows up Ren Fest Podcast Kickstarter Campaign CDs and the Music Business Shows booked for the Spring Song Henge soon to be updated No code necessary. Just order and save on Kilted For Her Pleasure or A Faire […]

What To Do With 60+ Celtic Songs?

This time last year, I was in Kentucky recording Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits and other music.  There are still over sixty songs that I haven’t released from that recording session.  I was trying to decide what to do with them.  Should I release an album of Scottish Songs of Drinking and Rebellion?  Should I […]

#117: Pressed For Time

Irish Celtic Music from Hanz Araki, Robert Doyle, Arann, Christiane Cargill Kinney, Sloanwolfe, Moira Nelson, The Slip, Hayley Griffith, The Kreellers, Brenin’s Lights, Sgian Dubh, Fionnuala Sherry, Jenne Lennon. Subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #116

Music from Brian Boru Irish Pipe Band, Tania Opland, Rising Gael, Lonely Mountain Band, Jesse Ferguson, Maidens IV, Jil Chambless, Ricky Fitzpatrick, Hayley Griffith, Beer Belly, The Durty Nellys, Barleyjuice, Shillaly Brothers, The Elders. Subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their […]

New Marc Gunn Music Store and CD Sale–One Week Only

I get emails all time by fans asking “Where is the best place to buy your music online?” In the past, I directed folks to CD Baby.  I still love those folks, and if you want a CD quickly or if you want to purchase music internationally, order from CD Baby.  They are awesome. However, if you’re […]

Pub Songs #98: Funny Irish Drinking Songs

Exciting news for the Pub Songs Podcast Irish & Celtic Music Podcast – Best Celtic Music of 2011 Best Funny Irish Drinking Songs Why drinking songs? see Irish Drinking Songs Newly Updated Celtic Music CD Store Marc Gunn YouTube Videos and Irish Song Lyrics Shows booked for the Spring New monthly schedule   This Week’s […]