Birthday Celebrations & New Music

Birthday Celebrations & New Music

Last week, I celebrated my 50th birthday.  We went up to Chattanooga over the weekend. We ate amazing food and visited a local brewery. We even did a little bit of hiking. That was despite the fact that I was on crutches at the start of the trip. I twisted my ankle while running earlier […]

In the ‘Verse #2.3: The War Doctor | Doctor Who

In the ‘Verse #2.3: The War Doctor | Doctor Who

Once upon a time, The Doctor committed genocide. Find out how that happened with this spoiler alert-filled episode. Then Marc and Mikey discuss the episode “The Day of The Doctor” where the War Doctor story is revealed. It’s The Doctor who regrets and The Doctor who forgets. Will he find redemption? Can he forgive himself […]

St Patrick’s Day Postcard and 2022 Resources

St Patrick’s Day Postcard and 2022 Resources

Happy St Patrick’s Day It was a crazy weekend. I had a couple shows, a parade, plus family activities planned. Everything was turned upside down because of the weather. It was COLD! On Saturday morning, Inara and I went to Peachtree St in Midtown Atlanta for the St Patrick’s Day parade. Inara was to dance […]

Dunvegan Castle & Gardens Video

Dunvegan Castle and gardens are located just outside of the town of Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. It is the seat of chief of Clan MacLeod. The castle was originally built in the 13th century. But it was remodeled in a medieval style in the 19th century. The castle is built on […]

Your List Of The Best Irish Drinking Songs

Your List Of The Best Irish Drinking Songs

Irish people (and lovers of Irish culture) are a little different—in case you hadn’t noticed. While most people have a list of favorite books or a top ten list of “best movies”, Irish people typically can name their top Irish drinking songs. And sometimes, in order too! That said, not all the best Irish drinking […]