“Star of the County Down” is an absolutely wonderful song. I find it fascinating to see how some folk songs become more popular than others. This one has a great melody and story. It’s about a guy who sorta falls in love with the local beauty. He gets all dressed up for the local fair […]
Author Archives: Marc Gunn
Back from A Long Expected Party 2
I got back yesterday. Took the day off. ALEP 2 was absolutely amazing! They only way it could’ve been better was to have my family join me. I’ll have more about the event coming soon. Thanks to everyone who made this another best weekend ever.
Marc Gunn – A Long Expected Party – Harrodsburg, Kentucky
Marc Gunn Celtic Music Android App With New Features
I just got word from Eric Carman of EC Software Consulting, Inc. that the Marc Gunn Celtic Music app that he designed for me is newly updated with a bunch of cool additions. Eric and I talked about it right before DragonCon. A few Gunn Runners noticed a problem with the carousel. John B. was […]
Celtic T-Shirts Inventory Update
I finally did an inventory for my Celtic T-Shirts and updated it on Paypal. Looks like it is almost time to reorder my “Kilted For Her Pleasure” T-Shirts. While reviewing the inventory, I found that there was an extra 5X shirt available for anyone who’s interested. I am no longer ordering those. So if you […]
On Preparing Autoharps and Hobbit Drinking Songs for a Hobbit Gathering
Since Kenzie is doing better, last night, I finally did some prep for ALEP2: There & Back Again. That means, I finally fixed the chord bars on my autoharp, I packed my costuming, and I practiced some of the new hobbit songs. I think I finally learned “Everybody Needs a Drinking Song”. A wee bit […]
Last Thursday, my daughter Kenzie had her surgery. We went to the hospital at o’dark thirty and waited nervously throughout the day to learn if she was okay. This was the big scary one. It was open-heart surgery to fix the ventricles, close the shunt, and add a valve to the aorta. It was performed […]
Cool Talks by Jef Murray at ALEP 2
I was chatting with Jef Murray about how his talks at ALEP 2: There & Back Again. They sound awesome! “A Journey through Middle-earth: Paintings and Sketches of Tolkien’s World” “Fanning the Secret Fire: Sub-Creation as a Spiritual Journey” Jef designed the limited-edition t-shirt that was sent out to some of the Sponsors of Don’t […]
When Will the Hobbit CD Arrive?
Now that Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits is done an off to the printers, Gunn Runners are asking me “When will my CD arrive?” I expect the albums to be in my hands by October 12th. I will package them up and mail them to you asap after that.
Another New Lord of the Rings CD
First, my apologies to all the Gunn Runners who are NOT on Lord of the Rings Online. I totally spaced and forgot to tell everyone that I was doing a live interview on a new program on Middle-earth Network Radio. I spent some time talking about my new CD Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits. With […]