Dunvegan Castle & Gardens Video

Dunvegan Castle and gardens are located just outside of the town of Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. It is the seat of chief of Clan MacLeod. The castle was originally built in the 13th century. But it was remodeled in a medieval style in the 19th century. The castle is built on […]

Your List Of The Best Irish Drinking Songs

Your List Of The Best Irish Drinking Songs

Irish people (and lovers of Irish culture) are a little different—in case you hadn’t noticed. While most people have a list of favorite books or a top ten list of “best movies”, Irish people typically can name their top Irish drinking songs. And sometimes, in order too! That said, not all the best Irish drinking […]

Podcasts for St. Patrick’s Day 2022

Podcasts for St. Patrick’s Day 2022

There’s an old saying that says everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s day…and while we all know that this really isn’t true, people do have the urge to get in on the fun and do some Irish things for this holiday! Some people go to a parade, others hit a bar for a pint and […]

What Are The Best Irish Drinking Songs?

What Are The Best Irish Drinking Songs?

Whether you enjoy a little background music while you are having a pint or you like to swing your arms and sing full blast at the local pub, it can help to know some of the top Irish drinking songs out there. After all, you may want to put in a request if there is […]

Celtfather Monthly: March 2022

Celtfather Monthly: March 2022

It’s St Patrick’s Month. I have a bunch of events planned. Plus, I’ll be celebrating my birthday as well. Come join me! CD RELEASE I am very proud of the CD release of Selcouth. You can read more about the Selcouth release in my latest Marc’s Musings. HELP WANTED I feel like I have limited […]