Newsletter – Scottish Songs, Hobbits, Firefly and Recovering from Heart Surgery

February 8, 2011 Marc Gunn, The Celtfather Celtic Music, the Traditional and the Twisted Proud Supporter of Indie Celtic music! “Marc, Bought and downloaded “Kilted for Her Pleasure” today. It is another work of art! I have wanted to get it since you released it, and damn it was worth it. ” A Drop […]

Marc’s Most Recent Music Biz News

I updated my list of Texas Renaissance Festivals on the Brobdingnagian Bards website. The list has been going strong for 7-8 years I think. The Texas faires newsletter will be out in a couple hours. The Best Celtic Music of 2010 episode of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast will posted as a press release […]

Kenzie’s Second Heart Surgery Needed

Just when we are hopeful we can go home from the hospital, we learn we can’t yet. Yesterday, I mentioned the cardiac catherization. We learned that the blood passageway to the left lung is a bit small. With time, that will become smaller. So the doctors decided this morning that Kenzie will have another heart […]

Celtic Music Tonight on Magazine Street in New Orleans

I added a last minute show for my Celtic Invasion of New Orleans fans. I’m performing tonight (Fri, Jan 28, 2011) at Tracey’s on Magazine Street here in New Orleans. Show starts at 6:30 and ends around 8:30pm. It is totally  unplugged. So arrive early to grab a seat. Come on out for good food, […]