Good Things Come to Those Who… Plan!

I talk quite a bit about what’s up and what’s to come in my Pub Songs Podcast. Tonite, I’m in the blogging mood. So I thought I’d write a little about what’s going on with me. And what you can expect to come. I spent much of today working on shownotes for my various podcasts. […]

Pub Songs #63: Air Pirate Raids on Kilted Geeks

I had an awesome show on Saturday in Florida and it got my internal geek all excited that GenCon and DragonCon are fast approaching. There’s a lot more to do than I really have the ability to accomplish too. I have shows to update, new songs to record, iMixes to promote, articles to write, bands […]

Pub Songs #62: Why Celtic Women and Kilts Are the Bomb

I had a busy week of promotion with a couple big projects like the Celtic Women special on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast and the Drinking Game on the Renaissance Festival Podcast. Add to that the Kilted For Her Pleasure arrived on my doorstep, and I’m psyched. A brand new CD to suit the […]

Would You Review “The Bridge” For Me?

First, let me say that I LOVE my next CD Kilted For Her Pleasure. The album is just plain fun. It’s kilted Celtic comedy music with a lot of songs that I love to play live: “Close Your Eyes”, “Kilted For Her Pleasure”, “Monahan’s Mudder’s Milk”, “A Drop of Vulcan Blood”, “The Widow and the […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #86: Feature on Celtic Women

Women playing Celtic music from The Gothard Sisters, Ciara Considine, Heather Dale, Maidens IV, Linda Connell Studley, Diane Linn, Christiane Cargill Kinney, Anne Roos, Heidi Talbot, Claire Roche, Beth Patterson, Mary Knickle, Cara Dillon, Deep Green Light. Sponsor: Celtic Invasion Vacations Travel to the world with your podcast host, Marc Gunn, Celtic music, the […]