Marc Weeklies: Your Feedback Requested

I’m in the process of packing up my apartment to move to a new one here in New Orleans. I’m making good progress. I guess it helps that I didn’t unpack my stuff when I moved here. The reason is that I only planned to live in NOLA for 6 months. A year and a […]

Top Celtic Bands of the Year

Yesterday, I came up with a cool article idea for my Music Marketing newsletter. It’s about alternative ideas about gigging. The idea is that blogging or podcasting is an alternative form of gigging for me. I *perform* when I write a blog or record a podcast. In some ways it’s even more effective than playing […]

Marc Gunn at Alabama Celtic Association Scots Irish Festival in 2010

Come join the Alabama Celtic Association for a day of family fun. Pipe Bands, Irish Music, dancers and fun for the kids. Satruday, April 10, 2010 Alabama Celtic Association Scots Irish Festival White’s Mountain Campgroup Springville, AL Times: 10am-6pm $10 a carload benefits the Celtic Association scholarship fund. Volunteers welcome and appreciated. Sign up to […]