Marc Gunn at GenCon

Gen Con Indy is the original, longest running, best attended, gaming convention in the world. For over 40 years, Gen Con Indy has been setting the trend and breaking records. Last year, more than 28,000 unique attendees experienced Gen Con Indy. The biggest complaint we hear is that there is simply too much to do, […]

Marc Weeklies: Back from Italy

I am back from Italy, and I am both happy and sad. Italy is home away from home with me, but the Celtic Invasion Vacation turned it into something SO much more. I’m gonna try to put together a Pub Songs Podcast to highlight the exciting times I had. But for now, it’s catch up […]

Marc Weeklies: Celtic Invasion Underway!

Marc Gunn and a group of intrepid travelers have arrived in Tuscany. They are ensconced in a luxury villa overlooking vineyards and Lombardy cedars. Can’t wait to hear more! In the meantime, back here in Louisiana, this is Jamie Haeuser, Marc’s booking agent. I’ll be conveying some news of the Invasion as it progresses, and […]

Happy Songs of Death (Album)

In memory of Michael Younger. “Happy Songs of Death” is a joyful juxtaposition of the morbid and the comic that celebrates murder ballads, the Black Death and starving to death. Celtic songs, American songs – and notably several of Marc Gunn’s original compositions all affirm that death is just the other side of life! Artists […]

Marc Weeklies: Funny Thing About Life and Death…

If you like Marc Gunn, you might like Christy Moore, The Clancy Brothers, Christie Hennessey, Lisa Kelly, Davie Arthur, Celtic Woman, Brobdingnagian Bards, Carl Peterson, Loreena McKennitt, Ceann, The Rogues, The Wolfe Tones, Wicked Tinkers, Emerald Rose, Bedlam Bards, Heather Alexander, Jolly Rogues, Joni Minstrel. Holy moly! Just nine more days until the first Celtic […]