Evacuation Tips for Cats #11

Get a safety tip on how to take care of your cat when disaster strikes on Cat Drinking Songs podcast. Cat Music & News Visit Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers Cats in the News – Bilingual Kitties Pet Promise, Inc. Cat Podcasts Cat Tip of the Month – Evacuation Tips for Cats Music Promotion for Cat […]

Pub Songs #14: Seven Drunken Nights with Pussycats, Heart and Soul

I recorded a new song ala Jimmy Durante, who was an interesting chap. Songs: “Seven Drunken Nights” by Brobdingnagian Bards from The Holy Grail of Irish Drinking Songs “The Pussycat Song” by Helen Back from Under the Covers “Heart and Soul” by Marc Gunn Notes: Victims of Irish Music Autoharp Radio Take a Vacation Tour […]

On the Dignity of Kilts

by Julian Jensen Since we are on the topic of removing pants: My first encounter with the kilt phenomenon this Pennsic. Anyone who has ever worn a real kilt knows instantly that there is no dignity to be salvaged from kilts. I am not talking about those wimpy little kilts that you simply buy and […]

The Irish Balladeers

I hate it when music goes the way of the Dodo Bird. I was watching The Legend of Zorro when the Pinkertons were mentioned. I couldn’t remember much about them, so I went over to Wikipedia and read up on them. I followed several links, including one that went to The Molly Maguires. One of […]

Fake Advertisement: PlagueAway, the Pestilence Potion

Words by Marc Gunn and Lorella Loftus. This fake advertisement was created for the Renaissance Festival Podcast. NARRATOR: Do you suffer from lumps in your groin? Are your armpits swelling up? You may be have the bubonic plague? MAN: Betty, I got something under my arm? WOMAN: Away and boil your hed! MAN: Boil! Aye […]

“Heart and Soul” MP3 with Jimmy Durante… Sorta

I started learning “Heart and Soul” on the autoharp. And since it wasn’t until college that I realized there were lyrics to the tune, I’ve always been enamoried with the idea of learning the vocal version so I am. But as I practiced and everytime I sang it, I could hear the voice of Jimmy […]

Help Celtic Cats Reach #10 on CDBaby

My Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD has been a hit since it was released. Now you can help it gain five thousand new fans. When I first released it, it number one CD sold on CDBaby for a couple weeks. Today, I was checking out the Top Selling CDs in various categories on […]