How to Create an Awesome Set List for Your Live Show

How to Create an Awesome Set List for Your Live Show

A few years back, I was trying to find out how to create a great set list. I found virtually no blogs or articles on the topic. I tried again last month and the results were once again poor. I decided to share my own tips on how I create my awesome shows. However, I […]

Newsletter:  Happy New Year Wishes and Goals!

Newsletter: Happy New Year Wishes and Goals!

Greetings Gunn Runner Happy New Year! I usually have a tough time organizing and setting goals each year. But as I find myself taking care of a baby, with less time than ever, I’ve begun cutting out extraneous plans and focusing on what’s most-important with my music and my podcasting. So this year, I sat […]

Top-Played Celtic Music Bands of 2015

Last year, I compiled my pick of the Best Celtic Music of 2014. It included some of my favorite artists that I played then. Well, all except for my Top 5 Celtic Rock bands. I’m pleased to say that most of those 20 artists are still getting a lot of attention. Only one seems to […]

#238: Funny Irish & Celtic Songs

It’s New Year’s Eve. Let’s laugh and party on the very last day of 2015 with funny Irish and Celtic songs from Legacy with Jim Flanagan, The Molly Maguires, Jim Brannigan, Trinity River Whalers, The Dregs, Seamus Kennedy, Ed Miller, Merry Wives of Windsor, The Irish Rovers, Brobdingnagian Bards, Marc Gunn, Ceann, Hair of the Dog, […]

#237: Celtic Music for Christmas Eve

Nollaig Shona Daoibh! That’s Merry Christmas for those who don’t speak Gaelic, like myself. It may be Christmas, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some splendid Celtic music for the holidays from these great Celtic musicians: Mithril Duo, Battlefield Band with Leo McCann, Poor Clares, Musical Blades, Ceol Gan Achar, Marc Gunn & Jamie Haeuser, […]

#236: Celtic Christmas Music Special for 2015

Our Celtic Christmas Music Special returns to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast in 2015 with more awesome Celtic Christmas music from Mark O’Connor, Kailyarders, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Golden Bough, Marc Gunn with An Taisdeal, The Rogues, The Irish Rovers, Bat Kinane, Cherish the Ladies, Katie McMahon, Heather Dale, Banna, Four Celtic Voices, Small […]

Christmas Gift Giving and Thanks

Christmas Gift Giving and Thanks

I would like to start this post by sending out a sincere Thank You to everyone who has been so kind as to give me a gift or help over the years – I’m not always in a position to send a thank you, but I really do appreciate every one of your gifts with […]

A Celtic Christmas – Compilation of Christmas Music by Indie Celtic Musicians

A Celtic Christmas – Compilation of Christmas Music by Indie Celtic Musicians

A warm fire glows in the hearth of Celtic culture with this warm compilation CD of Celtic Christmas music. Celebrate the holidays with A Celtic Christmas,featuring a mix of traditional and original songs and tunes about Christmas by indie Celtic bands. All these artists were hand-selected for outstanding music by the award-winning downloadable radio show, […]

#235: Celtic Music to Kick Off December

December is here. That means it’s time to start planning my Celtic Christmas music specials like I do every year. But I have one more show to share before the holiday music begins with great indie Celtic music from Maidens IV, Mithril, 3 Pints Gone, The Washington Square Harp and Shamrock Orchestra, The Poxy Boggards, Bat Kinane, […]