It’s the Little Things…

I woke up with last night’s moodiness on my mind. So I decided I would try to fight it by getting some work done. First thing on my list, Song Henge. I didn’t feel like putting it all together and thanks to Jan, I didn’t have to. (thank you!) It was almost all done for […]

You Can Go, Even If You Aren’t Booked

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that statement from fans wanting us to show up at this or that venue. It’s sorta true. I *can* go to DragonCon, Scarborough Faire, Maryland Renaissance Festival, some Con in the mid-West, or whatever, but the problem is can I afford it? And the sad answer is […]

Booking Gigs

I hate booking gigs. I really want to play more around Austin and Texas, but find myself with not enough time to book gigs. Not to mention, we need of gigs in Europe after our Tour of Ireland. I’m not getting that done, even though I own “How to Be Your Own Booking Agent”. One […]

Celtic, But Human

I was flamed today. And I deserved it. A couple weeks ago, I made a post about Celtic Thunder. It’s a new… let’s say, show, because it’s not really a band. It’s a lot like Celtic Women, and I admit, I’m not a huge fan of theirs. So when I saw this latest… addition… to […]

Why A “Cat” Is Called A “Cat”

The English word “cat” is very similar to the word used for our feline pets in other languages spoken in Europe and around the Mediterranean. The table below lists the word for cat and the language: Kat Dutch chat French Katze German gatta Greek kottur Icelandic gatto Italian qattus Maltean katt Norwegian kot Polish gato […]

New Folk Music Shop in Austin

From Doc Grauzer: Hello all! Thought I’d send out the word about a new music shop called “Fiddler’s Green”, which is at 1809 West 35th Street, pretty much across the street from Things Celtic. They just opened up on Monday, and I found them just today when I went to see Kimberly at work. So–a […]

A Bard’s Song Medley

by Chris Cooper Heres a story, a little bit gory, a little bit happy, a little bit sadA long time ago, in a pub far away,I sat on a barstool, just drinking away, I had one pint of beer, and one shot of scotchand I drank one to many shots with Darth Maul. The next […]

Recovering with Guilty Pleasures

Oy! Haven’t written anything in a bit. Turns out I had the flu. [sarcasm]What a lovely birthday present![/sarcasm] I survived, T.G., and I’m slowly recovering. The cough still remains. But I’m hopeful I’ll be rid of that in another week at least. Meanwhile, I’m finally starting to get back to doing work. I pretty much […]


My friend Mike started a new website reviewing Celtic CDs. It’s called Celtophilia. He and Bonnie give a his and her perspective on various Celtic albums with noble results.