Firefly Show This Friday!

Just a reminder that the Bedlam Bards and I will be performing ourFirefly Drinking Songs Recording Shindig! tomorrow night. Please come join us. Also if you haven’t let us know you are attending on facebook then please do. We’d love a headcount. Last, this is the last weekend of Sherwood Forest Faire. Don’t miss it!

Big Change: The Hobbit CD Is Next!

I had a change of mind today. I decided to start work on the Hobbit CD. As you may know, I have three CDs on the back burner: Firefly Drinking Songs, Scottish Songs of Drinking and Rebellion, and Hobbit Songs. This coming Friday, the Bedlam Bards and I hope to record the last songs for […]

Thanks to the Celtic Society of Louisiana

Last night, I drove up to Baton Rouge for a Whiskey Tasting put on by the Celtic Society of Louisiana. I had a wonderful time up there. What a great organization they’ve put together! There was music, good food, and of course whiskey. It was a beautiful picture of what a well done Celtic organization […]

Thanks to Lady V. and Tyrail

Every now and then, I get blown away by the generosity of friends. My friends Lady V. and Tyrail went above and beyond the call of kindness. When they heard about my daughter’s heart condition, they raised $700 to help with expenses. So I want to send out a huge thank you to them both.