Do You Have a Favorite Celtic Gunn CD?

I have a lot of CDs, and they all have different themes. So when I’m at a gig and someone asks, “Which is your favorite CD?”, I frequently side-step the question. Then I explain, “Each CD is themed,” and I describe the themes. Kilted For Her Pleasure is Celtic comedy music. The Bridge is contemporary […]

#90: Rising of the Moon

Music from Cady Finlayson & Vita Tanga, Michael William Harrison, Jim Clarke & Granny’s Apples, Nancy Daily-Green, Tania Opland & Mike Freeman, James Raynard, Alizabr and Ann Sannat, Jasper Coal, Harpnotic, Gaelic Storm, Rathkeltair, Catya Mare, The Kreellers, Locklin Road. Sponsor: Celtic Invasion Vacations Wouldn’t it be amazing to walk among the rolling green […]

Marc Gunn Newsletter: DragonCon Success, Benefit Concert in Austin, and Kilted MP3

Marc Gunn Newsletter Celtic Music, the Traditional and the Twisted Good food. Good drink. Good company. Proud Supporter of Indie Celtic music. September 13, 2010 “Great Celtic Music! This is (as weird as it may sound) a fun album I have been listening to it continuously since I purchased it (specifically for Johnny Jump […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #89

Music from TJ Hull and Jeff Ksiazek, Castlebay, Doug Folkins, SlipJig, Locklin Road, Jenna Greene, Anaman, Headland, Songs For Ceilidh, Oona McOuat & Dream Deep, Whiskey of the Damned, Avalon Spirit, Hugh Morrison, Ennis. Sponsor: Celtic Invasion Vacations Expand your Celtic music world when you travel with Marc Gunn, The Celt Father, Experience the […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #88

Music from Whalebone, SlipJig, The Kish Celtic Band, Jimi McRae, Dublin O’Shea, The Sheridan Band, Liz Madden, Jolly Rogues, Seamus Stout, Faerydae, Southern Tenant Folk Union, Ennis, Searson, Anton Emery. Sponsor: Kilted For Her Pleasure Marc Gunn’s newest t-shirt and CD of Kilted Celtic Comedy music features 15 tracks of fun Celtic songs dedicated […]

Contest Winners: Why I Like Marc Gunn’s Music?

A couple weeks ago, the question came up, who do people like my music? So to answer the question, I went to my fans through my podcast, newsletter, twitter and facebook to tell what it is about my music that inspires them. I got some great responses just days before the release of my newest […]

Living the Life of a Geek!

A gal came up to me today and said she was looking forward to see my show. But her boyfriend who came last year wouldn’t be there. “Oh. Had to work or something,” I asked. “No,” she said, “just not leaving the house.” At this point, I nodded my head in understanding.  Even at GenCon […]