I’m in the process of packing up my apartment to move to a new one here in New Orleans. I’m making good progress. I guess it helps that I didn’t unpack my stuff when I moved here. The reason is that I only planned to live in NOLA for 6 months. A year and a […]
Category Archives: News
The latest news, information, and Weeklies about Marc Gunn.
Top Celtic Bands of the Year
Yesterday, I came up with a cool article idea for my Music Marketing newsletter. It’s about alternative ideas about gigging. The idea is that blogging or podcasting is an alternative form of gigging for me. I *perform* when I write a blog or record a podcast. In some ways it’s even more effective than playing […]
Now on eBay: The Original Celtic Illustration of “Whiskers in the Jar”
Up for grabs is the original line-art illustration by Celtic artist Ingrid Houwers, featuring the cheeky knotwork tabby of the ‘Whiskers in the Jar’ album by Marc Gunn. The image is 40 x 40 centimeters in size, and has been tastefully and professionally framed. The striking double mount makes both the initial raw line-work drawing […]
Marc Weeklies: New Austin and Alabama Shows, Lord of the Rings Celebration, St Patrick’s Day Music Features
My weekends fly by too quickly. This past one, I was at I-Con Science Fiction Convention on Long Island. It was the first Sci Fi convention I ever went to. This year, I was named Performance Guest of Honor. That honor really rang home in the ceremony when I was presented a plaque for all […]
Marc Weeklies: Free St. Patrick’s Day Celtic Music Approaches
St. Patrick’s Day is almost here. Whew! I’ve been working long hours updating websites, recording podcasts, playing gigs, writing articles, and compiling free downloads. It’s a busy month! But my birthday, March 17th, aka St. Patrick’s Day, marks the end of my non-stop promoting. But not just yet, because I still have a bunch more […]
Why Giving Away Free Music Downloads Is a Great Music Marketing Technique
I got an email today from another band who was uncertain about giving away free music downloads in my Celtic MP3s Music Magazine and in my Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. I decided to explain why giving away free music downloads is a great music marketing technique in this article. by Marc Gunn Musicians inexperienced […]
Marc Weeklies: Welcome to Sherwood Forest!
What a weekend! Sherwood Forest Faire was amazing! I didn’t expect it would be THAT cool. But this brand-new faire is raising a LOT of eyebrows around Texas. Unlike most start-up faires, Sherwood Forest Faire LOOKS like a faire that’s been there for years. A dozen stages. A hundred vendors. A beautiful tree setting. It […]
New Celtic Music App and Announcing CD Release Date!
I just finished publishing the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine. Hard to believe I started that mag 9 years ago!!!! Wow! Wow! and uh, Wow! Course that’s not why I was writing. More than anything I wanted to announce my new Celtic Music app for Google Android designed by EC Software Consulting. My friend Eric designed […]
Marc Weeklies: At Last You See Light at the End…
Continuing where I left off with the last Weeklies, I spent the past week working on websites. Look at this. I now have FIVE new sites and all are looking quite spiffy: Celtic MP3s Music Magazine, MarcGunn.com, Irish & Celtic Music Podcast, Renaissance Festival Podcast, and Celtic Invasion Vacations. I’m excited to have them working, […]
My First Music Video – “Won’t You Come With Me?”
In 2009, I released Happy Songs of Death, and I was dying to have my first music video with one of the songs from the CD. So I had a video produced from one of my favorite songs on the CD, “Won’t You Come With Me?”. It is a murder ballad… and it’s a laughing […]