Join Marc Gunn as he promotes the release of his newest musical romp through traditional Irish music with a kitty-cat twist, Whiskers in the Jar. Saturday, Aug 2, 2008DFW House Concert @ 8PMWatauga, TXSuggested donation $15. BYOB.RSVP to Raenell will provide directions to the event. House concerts are the coolest way to catch any […]
Category Archives: News
The latest news, information, and Weeklies about Marc Gunn.
Living in the Now
Yesterday was an awesome day. Somehow I made it through most of my emails. I’ve had a lot of trouble keeping up with email over the last few months. So cutting them down to under 40 was amazing to me. There was that nice feeling of accomplishment. Now I just need to do the same […]
3-Year Anniversary as a Musician
Three years ago today was my last day at the “day job”. That’s when I became a full-time musician. While I am thankful that UT Austin gave me the job that guided me to my musical career. I can’t say that I miss it a moment. I love recording music, playing it, podcasting, and getting […]
“Alarmist Crap”
Do you watch or listen to the news and feel your blood begin to boil? Does it piss you off so much that you begin to “hate” the other side of politics? You may be subjecting yourself to “alarmist crap”. After my post yesterday about marketing and the news, I had a response from someone […]
Have You Been Suckered Today?
It’s interesting being a “marketer”. You understand and appreciate certain things that are marketed. Like the simple phrase “fair and balanced news”. It’s the catch phrase of Fox News. And it is a marketing slogan. Fox News is quite brilliant. The business was established by conservatives who want to hear conservative news. Those are marketing […]
Getting Rid of Stuff
It was a productive day. I decided I needed to organize my office. I have a couple thousand CDs in boxes against the wall. While I was in here, I decided it was time to start filtering through my junk. I’m still planning on moving one day. So I need to get rid of junk […]
Feline Wake Up Calls
If you have a cat you’ve probably experienced a feline wake up call. Morning comes and there’s your cat meowing, playing with the blinds, chewing your hair, digging his paws in your covers, or more. You know what I’m talking about. It is annoying as can be! You want to wake up when you’re ready […]
Back with a Voice for Cat Lovers Everywhere
Shortly after my last weekly update, I lost my voice entirely. It was then I decided to break down and take antibiotics for my sore throat and laryngitis. I was feeling better by the end of the week. That got me back to Yoga and exercising on a daily basis. Plus, I’m finally feeling productive […]
Song Henge, Whoa, Great Celtic Music!
I did something interesting this evening. After publishing the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine, I grabbed a bunch of music that is featured in Song Henge, and I put it into an iTunes playlist. Then I hit play. Wow! Oddly enough, I’ve never done that before, but I gotta say, there’s a lot of amazing music […]
How to Avoid Reclusion at Seven O’Clock in the Morning
I was watching the movie Finding Forester a couple days ago. It is supposedly based on the life of a J.D. Salinger. So I read up on Salinger in Wikipedia. He is known for being a very reclusive writer. After a few reviews of his books, he seemed to disappear deeper and deeper into his […]