Overcoming a Sore Throat to Release a New CD

I’ve had a sore throat since I got back from Ireland. I didn’t go to the doctor, because of our crappy medical system, my insurance doesn’t cover this problem (ie. We need universal health care). But that’s fine, I don’t want antibiotics in any case. So instead, I’ve made several visits to the student acupuncture […]

Things Celtic CD Release Was Purrfect Fun

The CD release for Whiskers in the Jar: Irish Songs for Cat Lovers at Things Celtic today went surprisingly well. I say “surprisingly” because I’ve had a sore throat for a week now. I played about five songs from the new cat CD, another five from the first album, and then a few tidbits thrown […]

Going for Brogue Now on iTunes

The new CD Going for Brogue: Irish Pub Songs and Sea Shanties with an Accent is now on iTunes. This is the compilation that says exactly what it is–Irish pub songs and sea shanties sung with a few different Irish and piratey accents. I’m just crazy like that. Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. […]

Tribute to Turlough O’Carolan and Austin CD Release

MARC’S MUSINGS — June 17, 2008 – Marc’s Music News – Climbing the CD Baby Charts – CD Release at Things Celtic – Tribute to Turlough O’Carolan Published 1-4 times per month. To manage your subscription, go to the end of this newsletter. Visit My Store Now! Marc’s Musings Greetings Amici, Good food, good drink, […]

Back from Ireland in Time for CD Release Party

It’s so great to be back home with my kitties. When I walked in, they let me tummy rub them for a record time. I think they too were thrilled to see me. Now it’s time for catch up! — Quote of the Week: “Good food. Good drink. Good Company.” Marc Gunn. That is my […]

Drooling with Excitement for Ireland!

Just hours away from boarding the flight to Ireland. I’m antsy, and highly unproductive. I did finish a podcast and have another one planned for this evening… but I still need to pack. Oy! — Quote of the Week: “The cat is domestic only as far as suits its own ends…” Saki (H. H. Munro). […]

Going for Brogue Now on CD Baby

My compilation of brogueish Irish songs called Going for Brogue: Irish Pub Songs and Sea Shanties with an Accent is now on CD Baby. Nineteen songs sung with an Irish brogue and a lot of attitude. Get it now. You can find my other CDs here. Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. […]

Feature in the Indie Band Survival Guide

I got word that the Indie Band Survival Guide has the presses. Last year, Andrew and I interviewed with music marketing tips for the guide. The book was written by members of the Beatnik Turtle, a cool geek pop band out of Chicago. Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It’s easy; it’s […]

CD Release in the Northeast?

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The minutes are counting down till I fly off to Ireland. Mmm… I can’t wait. But I still have a LOT I need to try and do before I fly off to Eire, podcasts and such. Another thing is CD release parties. I had a recent request for CD release in […]