Poetry Event At Things Celtic This Weekend!

On Saturday, May 12, at 2:00 PM, poet Karla Morton will be at Things Celtic, reading a piece from her original epic poem, “Wee Cowrin’ Timorous Beastie”. The poem is a Scottish epic story written in rhyme about a 17th century Scottish pirate named John Murray and his love, Vashti. It’s an exciting story about […]

How to Surprise the Hell Out of Your Fans

“Holy Crap! You found me!” That was the latest comment I got when I posted a “thank you” in a fan’s Livejournal. She had just finished writing a praise-filled post about how cool my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD was, when I appeared… just two hours after she wrote it! That’s not the […]

iPhone Brilliance

I read Seth Godin’s iPhone Challenge, and I’m gonna have to agree with him. Seth made the claim that the iPhone will sell two million units this year and more next. Meanwhile others are saying it’ll be an earlier adopter thing that is promptly abandoned. I just can’t see that. I really don’t want an […]

Renaissance Festival Podcast Joins the P-List

What happens when bloggers and podcasters work together? With so much attention on Z Lists and Technorati, journeyPod has decided to launch its own list of noteworthy podcasts. With thousands of great podcasts available today, many of the early Internet radio show pioneers and independent podcasts have gotten buried by larger traditional media. journeyPod has […]

Irish Wedding Songs

Finding the perfect Irish wedding song is no easy task. You might be better suited to looking for Irish song lyrics in general rather than for a specific webpage. That’s because there are only a limited number of Celtic wedding artists out there. Rather, many Celtic musicians are happy to play, but only a few […]

Podcast of Awesome – Wizard Rock

So have you heard of Wizard Rock? Wizard Rock is a fairly new musical movement that started in 2002. The songs are all based on, you guessed it, the characters in JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series. It’s highly focused filking about those killer books. I got an email a few weeks back from Ashley who […]

Cat CD Reviews Purring In

Well, the reviews are pouring in for my new CD of Irish Drinking Songs: The Cat Lover’s Companion. I’ve gotten a LOT of fantastic reviews, everything from women wanting to mother my children to fond recognition of my stylistic differences between The Bards and solo work to blissful enjoyment of traditional Irish songs. Come to […]

Three New Celtic Podcasts Posted

Yay! I got off my arse today to work on some podcasts. Most of the day was a blur, but I finally edited, mixed, and uploaded the new shows. Now I still need to do the Brobdingnagian Bards podcast. Here they are: Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #34 Renaissance Festival Podcast #73, April 7-8 and […]


Sunday, May 6, 2007Whisperz at 9-11 PM3670 Foothill BlvdLa Crescenta, CA 91214 After a weekend at CaliFur, I’m gonna do something I’ve never done before, perform solo at pub in California. So tell your friends, tell your family, tell the people that you hate, that I’ll be there and show up with bells on… Okay, […]