Being home with the kids has been limiting the number of tasks that I am able to get done, but there is still a lot going on! This week marks the 10-year Anniversary of me leaving my day-job to pursue podcasting and Celtic music full time – I don’t regret a minute of it! And […]
Category Archives: Podcasts
7 things I should be doing
Last week marked the tenth anniversary of my very first podcast, which was with the Renaissance Festival Music Podcast, on June 26, 2005. This led to many other podcasts and eventually to my becoming a full-time musician and Podcaster, so thank you for your support! The Donegal Celtic Invasion was a tremendous success – the Giant’s […]
Celtic Invasion Vacation: Donegal Ireland
With podcasts coming along a little more slowly, here are some visual updates on the vacation for everyone! I look forward to posting the next podcast soon to share the fun of the trip! Some dancing – Donegal Style – with Fidil! Some Wine and Good Company And finally, the Wishing Chair in Bundoran! To […]
Breakfast with the Celtfather in Ireland: Celtic Invasion of Donegal 2015
Well, we’ve reached Donegal, and are currently enjoying our stay in a cottage by Mt.Charles! Though I’d initially intended to put out more podcasts during the trip, but because I’m enjoying putting more production into each one, several of them will probably be posted after the trip. There are only so many hours in the […]
Exploring the Titanic: Celtic Invasion of Donegal 2015
Here we are in Belfast, Ireland! Though a little rain swept up to welcome us, and my luggage apparently declined to make the journey to Belfast, we’re safe and going to explore the Titanic! Belfast is home to the Titanic Belfast, a museum dedicated to the creation, story, and aftermath of the Titanic. Interesting Fact: The […]
Ireland Air Travel Tips: Celtic Invasion Vacation 2015
It’s time to fly! Even though just a few hours after leaving, the absence of my family is keenly felt – but hopefully they’ll be able to come with me on a future Celtic Invasion! Travel Tips: When adding Luggage Tags, always put one on the outside, and one on the inside! They’re flimsy, and […]
Parable of Mumford & Sons
I have a lot of awesome news to share with you in show #28 of The Celtfather podcast, including a new band, an interview, a 10-year anniversary and a new feature–Celtic Music Spotlight featuring The Killdares. My Hobbit Drinking Songs show was a success and I also take a look at Mumford & Sons’ new […]
Birth of Inara Claire Gunn
I’d like to introduce Ms.Inara Claire Gunn! Born at 7:08pm on May 18, 2015, weighing 7lb 11oz, and 20.5in, she’s as cute as can be! Compared to last time (we had a baby), this was a much better experience! Being around for labor during the day worked a lot better for everyone involved. She’ll be […]
The Baby comes Today!
Well, it’s time for Ms.Inara to be born! Labor will be induced this morning, and I’ll be posting some pictures this evening. Keep your eyes open! We’re all ready to have our newest family member join us. Two episodes of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast have been recorded, and they will both air by […]
A glimpse inside a Donegal Vacation
As Baby Watch Month draws to a close, planning for the Celtic Invasion of Ireland 2015 picks up, with details about traversing Donegal coming out! New podcasts are being considered, and a new band with Randy Watkins for the Louisiana Renaissance Festival might be in the works. Give a listen and stay tuned for more […]