Newsletter: Good Adventures, Best of Marc Gunn

Greetings Gunn Runner I’m sure everyone north of Alabama dug their heals into the ground to prepare for Snowzilla. However, my family loves snow. And we love a good adventure. So on Saturday, we drove up I-65 to Columbia, Tennessee. We stopped at a hardware store and bought some trash can lids. Then we drove […]

Focus on your Dream for Success / CF#44

Focus on your Dream for Success / CF#44

Recently, my friend Laramie Williams approached me for advice on how to follow his dreams. While I wouldn’t consider myself the highest authority in the land, this got me thinking and I wanted to tell my story about how I went about pursuing and eventually achieving my dreams. I have always wanted to be a musician, […]

CG029: Quidditch World Cup

The Kickstarter for Sci Fi Drinking Songs came to astoundingly awesome ending yesterday. I raised over $6000 for the CD which is far more than I hoped. However, it’s actually more like what I need. I have a lot of bills that I incurred this year with server problems. I’m still paying those off. So it looks […]

Newsletter: Who Are Marc Gunn Fans? Summer CD Sale

Greetings… Hmm? I don’t know what to call you.  I want a cool name for fans of Marc Gunn.  That’s why I posted the question “Who Are Marc Gunn Fans?”  in my blog.  I want your suggestions. Fans all over Twitter and Facebook piped up.  Here are some of my favorite responses: Gunners Gunnsters Gunnobites Gunnies […]