Music Marketing 203: Sneaky Way to Make a Living as a Musician

Starting in 2000, I published a weekly email called The Bards Crier Music Marketing newsletter. It was one of the most-respected indie music marketing sites online. My goal was to guide musicians on the journey on how to make a living as a musician by documenting my own journey. The newsletter mostly stopped by the […]

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling & The Death of Thorin

What do “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling” and the death of Thorin Oakenshield have in common? Find out in the show #4 of The Celtfather podcast. And remember, this Sunday, February 25th is the date of my next Concert Window performance. Sign up to be notified at Then become a Patron of the Arts […]

Who Are the Best Celtic Bands of 2014?

Today, I want to share with you my pick of the Best Celtic Bands of 2014. All were featured in the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast, THE show for the Best indie Celtic music online. The show is sponsored by my patrons at I had a brilliant time at GaFilk this weekend. It’s been […]

The Art of Giving Away Celtic Music

I’m strategizing the best way to increase my fan base. I have an idea, but it scares me. Will it be alright? Find out what this idea is all about and how you can help me see light of day… or not. Remember to join my new street team at Subscribe to the podcast […]

Epic Celtic Christmas Fail

I was all in good form telling everyone I would release FOUR episodes of the Celtic Christmas Podcast in 2014. I just visited the site. There were only two. And one was not even by me. Sigh. Epic fail. What happened!? I could’ve swore I had another one that was supposed to post. I guess […]

Happiness and Celtic Music, Strategic Planning for 2015

Welcome to episode 1 of The Celtfather podcast. This is my brand new podcast for 2015. And of course when I say “new”, I mean, it’s just a continuation of The Celtic Geek and Pub Songs Podcast before it. You don’t even have to subscribe to a new show. If you were subscribed to The […]

New Name for the Celtic Geek — The Celtfather

I am very pleased to introduce my brand new podcast. It’s called The Celtfather podcast. Before you run out to subscribe, stop. If you were subscribed to The Celtic Geek, then you are subscribed to thew new show. If you are not, then visit and subscribe today. What’s changed? I’ll be honest. Aside from […]

Christmas Memories #13 of your Celtic Christmas Greetings

Right after I finished recording episode #12 of the 12-part series on my Celtic Christmas Greetings podcast, I realized I forgot some Christmas memories that were shared by Nathan Deese, who played flute and other instruments on the album. So I thought I’d share a bonus episode with you. Celtic Christmas Notes I feature “Yule Log […]

Best Celtic Christmas CDs You Should Own #12 of your Celtic Christmas Greetings

The 12-part series of Celtic Christmas Greetings comes to an end today, but not the podcast. In fact, I plan to release more Celtic Christmas music and stories through this podcast in the future. So please stay subscribed. In part 12, I share my pick of some of the best Celtic Christmas CDs that you […]