Christmas Elves vs. Leprechauns #2 of your Celtic Christmas Greetings

Today, I explore the origins of my “Celtic Christmas Elf” song that was recorded on my latest CD Celtic Christmas Greetings. I’ve had a fascination of leprechauns since eating Lucky Charms cereal as child. But what happens when they become conscripted in Santa’s Workshop. You’ll find out the history of both today for this Celtic […]

What Is Celtic Christmas Music? #1 of your Celtic Christmas Greetings

Today, I launch what I hope to be a daily podcast of Celtic Christmas music where I share my thoughts about Celtic music and Christmas music. Today, I answer the question, “What is Celtic Christmas music?” While I have my own thoughts on the topic, I’d love yours as well. What is Celtic Christmas to […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #185: 2 Hours of Celtic Rock Music!

Celtic Rock gets a special feature on this week’s Irish & Celtic Music Podcast thanks to our Patrons of the Podcast. You’ll hear music from Greenwich Meantime, The Brazen Heads, Dust Rhinos, Cele De, Sons of Malarkey, Mickey Coleman, The Elders, Redhill Rats, The Barley Boys, Ockham’s Razor, Celtic Cross, The Kreellers, Johnsons Motorcar, Mairi […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #184: Celtic Music for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Show #184 Celebrates Thanksgiving with Irish Celtic music from Emerald Rose, Julia Lane, Patrick’s Head, Sean Orr, Four Celtic Voices, Beth Patterson/Patrick O’Flaherty, StoneRing, Merry Wives of Windsor, The Fire Inside, Syren, Rattle the Board, Laura McGhee, Burning Bridget Cleary, The Shanties, The Gothard Sisters, Jenna Greene. If you enjoy this show, […]

CG075: Jared Billeaud Interview for Reavers, Malcolm, Reavers

I got to chat with Jared Billeaud, one of the drummers and singers with the Whiskey Bay Rovers. He also came up with the original idea for the song “Reavers, Malcolm, Reavers” that went on my CD, “Sci Fi Drinking Songs”. We talked a wee bit about how he got started with music and the […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #183: Music of Wales, Feature on Gwilym Morus

Show #183 highlights the music of Wales and a Special feature on the music of Welsh Bard, Gwilym Morus. You’ll hear Welsh Celtic music from ParaCelt, Leah Jorgensen, Navan, Karen Mueller, Bard of the South, Moch Pryderi, Mwnci Nel, Thomas “Doc” Grauzer, Shillelagh Law, The Gryphon Carolers, Emerald Rose, Jamie Smith’s MABON. If you […]

CG073: Celtic Christmas Show, Win a Celtic Geek Shirt

I am happy to announce a Celtic Christmas Show was officially sponsored by my Patrons. Can I pull it off in time for Christmas? Meanwhile, you can win something cool if you help me get reviews of this podcast. This Week in The Celtic Geek A new baby on the way The first of many […]

CG072: The Bilge Pumps Talk about Bail Money, Pirate History, and Secret Tracks

The Bilge Pumps, the third oldest pirate band in the nation, sent me their newest CD, Bail Money, last month. I had the pleasure of seeing them at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival where I dug deeper into their murky history. We talked about sailing, history of piracy, how the band grew over the years and whether […]

CG071: Browncoats Keep Flyin’ from Sci Fi Drinking Songs #CelticThursday

It’s #CelticThursday. Each and every week, I’m gonna share a song from one of my albums until I can’t do any more. Then who knows what will happen. This week, I have a song inspired by Joss Whedon’s Firefly and Serenity. It’s called “Browncoats Keep Flyin’” and features lyrics by the magnificent Rie Sheridan Rose. […]