Celebrating the Birth of Podcasting


I just got my annual notification that the Renaissance Festival Podcast turns 7 years old today.

Seven years. Wow. I started this podcast and podcasting around the time when podcasting first started. Most people didn't know what to do with it. Hell, I'm not sure I did.

But when I was a kid I listened to some Fibber McGee & Molly. I listened to Top 40 radio.

One day, I decided to transfer all my 8-tracks to that innovative technology… The cassette. Having listened to a bunch of radio, I was always annoyed with DJs. Every time, I wanted a clean recording of a song, they talked over the recording. I still have a cassette filled with some of my favorite 80s pop, littered with DJ banter.

I told my friend Steve about my desire to transfer my 8-tracks and my annoyance with the DJs. We decided to do the DJing right. By pretending to be DJs ourselves.

The first side of the cassette was awesome. We even inserted a few fake commercials. I had a blast doing this. So much so that after Steve left for the day, I finished transferring another 8-track by myself.

That was my introduction to being a DJ. What was that… 8th grade?

Here I am…. Many many years later, and I sorta podcast for half my living.

Pretty amazing!

Thanks to all the listeners of the Renaissance Festival Poscast for being my first test subjects for this career. Ye rocketh!

1 comments on “Celebrating the Birth of Podcasting

  1. Very interesting story of your youth! It amazes me as I have been a member of your podcast for 5 years my self. I was reading my first
    CD review just last night and thought WOW…(very discriptive word). I have watched you grow as well. Ya ha tirnd inta e fiene yon gintlemun (phonetic gaelic :)) The magazine is “tuning up” and gaining it’s due respect. I do admire your work and love of the music, continue on Mac Marc, and thank you for the opportunity to write reviews, as it certainly has improved my skills all over the board ! “Go forth and prosper”.

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