How far are you willing to travel to go to a Renaissance Festival?

I'm really curious how far Rennies are willing to travel to go to a Renaissance festival.   I tried putting a poll on Facebook, but apparently, they ask for too much information.  Well, the poll on my website does not.

To vote, just visit this blog and cast your vote using the poll in the top right-hand column of my webpage.


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8 comments on “How far are you willing to travel to go to a Renaissance Festival?

  1. It largely depends on my finances and vacation time. Some years I’m doing good making the faire 20 miles down the road, but I hope to make the Texas Faire one of these days (about 925 miles).

  2. I’m not really to willing to travel a long distance just for Faire, but if it’s near something else I would really enjoy visiting, I’ll take a mini vacation to include Faire. eg: Lake Tahoe Faire in CA is about a 3-4 hour drive for me, but it’s a lovely site and there are numerous hiking trails and places to stop and admire the view around the lake.

  3. My biggest problem with travelling, as a visually impaired individual, is transportation, not only to the town/city where the fair would be taking place, but other transportation while there. I would almost have to have a sighted friend with me, which would require the purchase of twice the amount of transportation (bus tickets, plane tickets, whatever) as well as food and lodging. And the unfortunate situation for me at least is that most of my friends aren’t as awesomely nerdy as me and wouldn’t be willing to put in time and money to go to a Ren fair with me. However, I must say this: my mom went to a Renaissance Festival in the DFW area and didn’t invite me along and I nearly disowned her. But she bought me tacos and I forgave her in a begrudging sort of way. 😛

  4. I have never been really put to the test. I am less than 20 miles from the MN festival gates. I have never really thought much about attending any other location. Bristol sounds nice but it overlaps half of it’s season with MN.

  5. I live in Georgia and Im thinking about going to the Carolina and Louisiana festivals. Carolina is about 5 hrs and Louisiana is 8hrs.

  6. Well, we’ve been known to go 1154 miles (Austin->Shakopee, MN) but we took in two fairs in that time. Obviously, this counts as vacation and we do other things too.

  7. When finances have allowed, I’ve driven 12+ hours away, but it’s usually also involving visiting with old friends. I’ve moved around a lot, so faires that used to be much closer require more of a trip now.

  8. I’ve gone to TRF from New Orleans several times (approx. 800 miles roundtrip). Texas is the largest and best in the country. I consider it well worth the drive.

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