Imagine Felix and Morris the Cat Celebrating St Patrick’s Day

When St Patrick's Day swings around, keep an eye open for Felix the Cat, Morris, Sylvester the Cat, Garfield, the Cheshire Cat, the Pink Panther, gathered around a large wooden barrel of green milk purring and waiting for the bartender to pour another pint. In the corner of the pub are four stray cats decked in kilts playing reels and jigs on autoharp, mandolin, flute, and fiddle.

This St Patrick's Day will be a year not to be forgotten as Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia takes up the microphone and roars an Irish ballad.

Thinking he was on American Idol, Dr Evil's cat, Mr. Bigglesworth will take his turn at the mic singing cat-styled Irish rebel songs before plotting to take over the world.

Harry Potter's Crookshanks will step up and mew an Irish toast, “Here's to a long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold pint– and another one!”

A loud cheer erupts in the feline pub. Cat hairs stand on end. Then Tom and Jerry step up. Tom reads the following poem,

“Some Guinness was spilt on the barroom floor
When the pub was shut for the night.
When out of his hole crept a wee brown mouse
And stood in the pale moonlight.

He lapped up the frothy foam from the floor
Then back on his haunches he sat.
And all night long, you could hear the mouse roar,
‘Bring on the damned cat!'”

Then he pounces on Jerry. The pub is filled with the sound of tables and chairs crashing over. Tony the Tiger picks up his pint and barely avoids losing his drink.

This will be a St Patrick's Day Party to remember!