Is This a Better, Easy Video Idea for Musicians?

I want to release better videos for my YouTube channel. The problem is I'm not a great videographer. I'm also not a great editor. But I enjoy making the videos.

I've come to the conclusion that my Livestreams are not getting me anywhere. So I'm gonna pull them from the channel. Make them unlisted. Or just delete them entirely.

For now, I'm gonna keep the videos shorter. Now I just need to figure out how to tell a more interesting story incorporating my music.

Fortunately, I found Thomas Alex Norman. The video that is inspiring me right now is a 15km Solo Hike to Perform on Top of Volcano.

I like this video because, first, it's an adventure. He shows his journey. He interjects music (not sure it's his or not), but it's something I can do. He also includes all of the pretty scenery that is a part of the journey. That's something I majorly want to do.

And at the end of the destination, he shares a song. Sure, it's a cover song. But what a great way to share music and garner interest.

He also adds a lot of suspense to the trip.

All in all, I love the way it comes out. I think it provides a decent guide for musicians and especially me.

But I can't help but wonder if I could do something similar using old and new videos. I have a bunch of video ideas started from past Celtic Invasions. I wonder if I could intersperse those videos with me telling the story and leading up to a music video where I sing with music from an album overdubbed. And still create that interest and suspense.

It's definitely something for me to look into.