2002 was the first time I ever went to a science fiction convention. That Sci Fi convention was I-Con. The first year, I felt like I was home. I made some amazing friends. I laughed and sang. I think it even snowed that first year. I can't imagine not being at I-Con. So I did my best, and succeeded at getting booked once again at the the Northeast's largest convention of Science Fiction, Fact and Fantasy.
I-Con is a 3-day convention of science fiction, fact and fantasy and related genres, attended by over 7,000 people each year. Guests from film and TV, Authors, artists and scientists, speak and meet with I-con's members in a causal setting. Games, events, demonstrations, performances, awards, films and shows are also showcased during the 3 day convention.
This year, I am proud to be the Guest of Honor!
March 26-28, 2010
I-Con 29
Stonybrook University
Past Years Attended: 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002
Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It's easy; it's free.