Marc’s Musings: Was This Scotsman a Vulcan?

Learn more about one of the most-famous songs by the great Scottish poet, Robert Burns. Get ready for the pub that’s not really a pub. Catch a bus at a Buzz Stop. It might help beautify your neighborhood and fight climate change.

You can read it all in this Marc’s Musings newsletter and also listen to it on the next Pub Songs & Stories podcast.


Maggie McGuinness Pub is not your typical Irish pub. Not unless your typical Irish pub is located in basement of an Irish American in the suburbs of Hunstville, Alabama.

“To The Irish!”

That’s their slogan. And you best be ready to shout when the time comes. Aside from that, the Pub is just a fun place to play.

For over a decade, I have packed that basement, decorated to look the most-traditional of Irish pubs. I am excited to return there once again in January.

Here are some more shows happening this month:

Is there a venue that you think I should perform at? Please let me know about it.

I’m looking for new places to play this year. Maybe there’s a spot near you. And if you live in the Atlanta area, then it’s even more possible. Let’s make it happen!


I got a t-shirt at a Highland Games as a kid. It read, “Spock is a Scot.” I never understood that until I heard Scottish singer, Ed Miller, introduce “Green Grow the Rashes”. He joked, “I know a Scotsman who loved a woman so much. He almost told her.”

The joke is that Scots are not very emotional. And yet, this song by Scotland’s National Poet, Robert Burns, is one of the most beautiful, touching, and emotional songs ever written.

There's naught but care on every hand,
In every hour that passes, O!
What signifies the life o' man,
And 'twere not for the lasses O?

* Green grow the rashes O!
Green grow the rashes O!
The sweetest hour that e'er I spent
Were spent among the lasses O!

The war'ly race may riches chase,
And riches may soon fly them, O!
And tho at last they catch them fast,
Their hearts can ne'er enjoy them, O!

But gie me a cannie hour at e'en
My arms about my dearie, O!
And war'ly cares and worldly men,
May all gae tapsalteerie, O!

For you sae douce wha sneer at this,
Ye're not but senseless asses, O!
The wisest man the world e'er saw,
He dearly loved the lasses, O!

Auld Nature swears the lovely dears,
Her noblest work she classes, O!
Her apprentice hand she tried on man,
And then she made the lasses, O!

I don’t remember who I learned this song from. But I’ve always been a hopeful romantic. I loved it. Brobdingnagian Bards performed it regularly even before we recorded it for our album, Real Men Wear Kilts. However, I do remember Royce Perry was an inspiration for recording that CD.

Royce was the head of Clan Gunn in Texas. He was excited to have a Gunn singing Scottish songs for our clan. He was So very encouraging. I remember his gentle smile the most. It was very kind as he listened. It was us performing  this song that really made him happiest.

So when I finally re-recorded it for Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion. He was in my thoughts.

Just read those lyrics and you’ll understand. Well, if you understand basic Scots. Robert Burns was apparently quite a ladies’ man. He said what was most important in life was spending time with a lady. The worldly man chases money. Money is fleeting and short lived. Just give me an hour with a woman. All the cares in the world will disappear.

The last verse is my favorite. Nature did some great things. She even made man while she was an apprentice. But then she mastered the art and created women.

How perfect!

I don’t play this song nearly enough these days since I have quite a few beautiful ballads. But it definitely stands out in my mind as being exceptional. It’s also a great song to sing at your annual Burns Supper. These are fancy dinners that celebrate the poetry of Robert Burns. Read more about Robert Burns on Wikipedia.

You can listen to it on my Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion CD which will be back in stock in my Mage Records Store from February 1-10.


Three years ago, I played a Coffee with The Celtfather while I was still living in Birmingham. The show was dedicated to Robert Burns. It’s no longer publicly available. But you can watch it because you’re subscribed to my newsletter. Thank you!

Watch Robert Burns Sing Along.

BTW. If you enjoy shows like this, Coffee with The Celtfather is still going. However, it’s not exclusively available in the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon. The show starts back this Wednesday, January 18. But there will be a public show available on the 25th. Just remember the time moved up 30 minutes to 10:30.


I love email. It is the absolute best way for me us to communicate.

Unfortunately, if I send an email and there are a lot of dead email addresses on my list, then email servers get suspicious. They dump my emails into spam or promotional folders. That’s why I did some email clean up last week.

If you’re subscribed to my email address and regularly open an email. Then you’re all good. But if you don’t… then I might’ve sent you an email saying, “Goodbye”.

Those who didn’t respond were unsubscribed. Hopefully, this will mean those of you who want to hear from me will. I thank you for that.


This is cool. A bunch of bus shelters are converting their roofs to be green. They are filled with plants that attract pollinators, like bees.

The idea began in The Netherlands and spread to Sweden, Denmark, and now the UK. The idea is to offer a new way to support these vulnerable insects. Plus, it makes the city a bit prettier.

I’ve long thought that every the office buildings should have a garden on their rooftop to make the city more beautiful and to offer new ways to fight climate change.

Is this something that could work for your community?

You can read more about it here.

I learned about this from The Daily Difference. It’s a newsletter by the Carbon Almanac with practical tips on how to fight climate change once action at a time.


I’m still working on this Spotify playlist. But I need your help. This could be something great.

What are some great Sci F’Irish songs that should be added?

Listen to Sci F’Irish music.

Send me your song request. I’ll send you access to the EP OF THE MONTH that I’m releasing as part of Atlanta Pub Songs & Stories. There’s a new EP every month.


I hope you enjoyed the new newsletter. If you want to dig deeper, subscribe to  Atlanta Pub Songs & Stories. The podcast version includes what you just read… and a lot more. I expand on this and I also insert some of my music into each show, which you can also download every month.

Please subscribe.


I really appreciate your your kindness and generosity.


PS. If you want to support my music, join other Gunn Runners on Patreon. For as little as $5 per month, you’ll get lots of bonus goodies, including MP3s, concert bootlegs, videos and more.