CD Release Sci Fi Drinking Songs

Marc Gunn - Fun Celtic Music

Fun Celtic Music, the Traditional and the Twisted
Proud Supporter of Indie Celtic music!
September 8, 2014


Sci Fi Drinking Songs

Marc's Musings


It is my great pleasure to announce that my newest CD Sci Fi Drinking Songs is now officially on sale. You can order a physical copy through CD Baby or buy a digital copy via iTunes or Amazon.

The first 24-hours are super important to the success of any album. If everyone buys the album the same time or the same day, then it will climb the charts. That means great visibility for the album. Anyone who loves Sci Fi and drinking songs will be intrigued enough to check out this new album. From there, it's an easy sell and higher charting.

Please do me a favor!

  • Forward this email to a friend.

  • Share this information on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr, etc

  • If you already own the album, then write a short paragraph review and post it on iTunes. You can make the review better by answering these questions: How does it make you feel? What are your favorite songs? Where do you listen to the album? Who have you shared it with?

Thank you again for all your support!

Marc Gunn, The Celtfather


What is Sci Fi Drinking Songs all about?

Drinking can be found throughout the universe from Earth to Praxis, from Canton to Skaro. Come on, you know Davros was drinking something when he came up with the Daleks. In fact, I think The Doctor was there drinking with him.

What’s just as prevalent as drinking in the galaxy?

Drinking songs.

In fact, Sci Fi Drinking Songs aren’t just about drinking. They’re fun songs that you and I can sing along to while we’re in cars traveling to a Sci Fi Convention or Renaissance Festival. They’re songs we put on in the background while playing Dungeons & Dragons or Magic:The Gathering.

Sci Fi Drinking Songs are fun songs designed to make us laugh, cry, smile, and above all SING!

That’s the entire premise behind my latest CD–Sci Fi Drinking Songs.

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Special Note About Marc Gunn's Newsletter

Marc Gunn is a rhythm and folk musician inspired by Celtic culture, science fiction, fantasy, and cats. He breathes new life into the autoharp, which continues to surprise musical veterans and fans a like for it’s unique sound and spirited energy. It’s Celtic music, the traditional and the twisted.

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