CG016: Imagine Marc Gunn in Your Living Room

I will be in Wales next weeks, so I thought I should do a wee bit o’promotion for some of my upcoming shows that will happen when I get back in town, including a house concert hosted by the Irish Society of North Alabama. I’ll be in their Maggie McGuinness Pub. You can now reserve […]

New This Week: North Alabama Celtic Calendar, Kickstarter Stretch Goals, Website Fixes

There are just six days left until I fly off to Wales and join seven other people on my annual Celtic Invasion Vacation. I am SO psyched. And so fortunate to have people willing to join me every year on another invasion. I’m already planning next year’s invasion, which should be a wee bit easier because […]

CG015: Sci Fi Drinking Songs. Astonishing!

“I never heard about this album”. That’s the comment I got from someone on Facebook this week. So I thought I should dedicate today’s podcast to talking about the Kickstarter for my next album Sci Fi Drinking Songs. Come to think of it, I should do an entire show talking about all the songs… I’ll aim for […]

“Are you an indie musician?”

It’s a work day in Gunn Studios. The life of an indie musician, seems work is never done. It’s a wonderful challenge. It’s also great seeing up and coming musicians. At The Summit Farmers Market yesterday, this maybe 13-year old girl approached me. “Are you an indie musician?”, she asked? I set my autoharp down. She […]

Celtic Invasions, Videos, Celtic Hoodies, Bracelets, and an Anniversary to Remember

I didn’t get a chance to blog at all while I was on my Celtic Invasion of the Highlands of Scotland this year. So I’m way behind in sharing my news.  So I will try an catch up today. First off, while I wasn’t blogging, I was vlogging. Yup. I posted a bunch of videos from my […]

Pub Songs #113: Irish Celtic Songs

Pub Songs #113: Irish Celtic Songs

A month and half after the first show of the year, I am back with some more Irish Celtic Songs plus LOTS of news from The Celtfather. I had a busy a month, which included a flight to Texas for some shows at the award-winning Sherwood Forest Faire. But that’s just the start of a ton […]

Happy Mardi Gras!–and all that (Celtic) jazz…

Today, in select locations, revelry prevails.  In New Orleans, my home town, there is eating, drinking, and merriment (more than usual), beads, occasional nudity, temporary insanity, and a general festive mood.  Meanwhile, in other parts of the country (like Texas, where I am now), it is just another day.  But we can still be a […]