You Know You’re a Musician When….

You know you’re a musician when you miss “work”. It’s been great getting back to work this past week.  I’m getting a ton of work done in preparation for the months ahead.  It’s extra cool because I’m doing more than just promotion.  I’m creating. Creation is a fantastic thing.  I love seeing an idea evolve […]

People You Should Know: Rie Sheridan Rose, The Bardabee Poet

I met Rie Sheridan Rose before she was married back in 2001 or 2002 where she heard the Brobdingnagian Bards out at the late, great Excalibur Fantasy Faire.  “I was instantly transported by the music, and became one of the Brobdingnagian Bards’ biggest fans,” she tells me. She continues: “The Bards were magical, everything worked […]

Newsletter: Mudder’s Day in the Verse

May 24, 2011 Marc Gunn, The Celtfather Celtic Music, the Traditional and the Twisted Proud Supporter of Indie Celtic music! “Marc definitely knows how to have a wonderful time. He and his music is enjoyable to listen to. I love his music. Keep up the great work. I wish you much health, happiness, and […]

Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits (Lyrics)

“Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits” lyrics and music by Marc Gunn, March 11, 2007 Performed by Marc Gunn From CD: Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits and What Color Is Your Dragon? Don’t go drinking with hobbits. Sure, you’ll have a grand time all night long. But if you go drinking with hobbits, my friends You may […]