Marc Gunn at DragonCon in Atlanta, GA (of the Brobdingnagian Bards)

Dragon*Con is America’s largest convention of Science Fiction, fantasy and horror, comics and art, games and computers, animation, science, music, television and films. There were 20,000 people who attended last year’s convention and this year should prove not too much different. See the latest about Marc Gunn at DragonCon here. Sept 4-7, 2009DragonCon265 Peachtree Street […]

DragonCon 2008

This was, strangely enough, one of my most-fun years at DragonCon. I think it had a to do with the fact that Brobdingnagian Bards were such late additions. We were accepted only two weeks before the show opened. However, Andrew and I already decided we would attend the con nonetheless. We expected it to be […]