Dragons vs. Pirates Countdown, Starfest Rocks!

It was an excellent weekend at Starfest in Denver, CO – five shows with great energy and great crowds. Marc got together with Jessica Brawner to talk about marketing, reigniting the idea of a Brainstorming / Masterminds group online for this type of thing. Also, Dragons vs. Pirates reached the first stretch goal, so stay […]

Booking Libraries

A few years ago, Jessica Brawner started a booking agency. She loved Renaissance festivals but knew there was no money in trying to book entertainers there. That’s when she learned about libraries… It turns out, libraries across the country are looking for entertainers. Jessica started a booking agency that booked Renaissance festival entertainers at libraries. It […]

CG047: Interview with Jessica Brawner, author of Charisma +1

I’ve know Jessica Brawner for years when we first met her on the South Mall of UT Austin. She’s gone to DragonCon as long as we’ve been there. She was back helping is sell CDs, but she also a new book for Con-goers. It’s called Charisma +1. Get it right here: marcgunn.com/CharismaPlus1