Lyrics by Marc Gunn & Kristen Roger, May 28, 2005 This song was written over Memorial Day Weekend. It was inspired by hearing that Kristen’s dad paints sailboats. Kristen mentioned a sailboat armada, and swarthy sea shanty sang through my head in the key of Arrrrr! O’ supper time was over As we left the […]
Tag Archives: song lyrics

Jock Stuart (A Man Who Wears a Kilt Every Day) for No Pants Day (Lyrics)
“Jock Stuart (A Man Who Wears A Kilt Every Day)” lyrics by Marc Gunn, May 6, 2004, music traditional Performed by Marc Gunn from Kilted For her PleasureĀ Oh my name is Jock Stuart, IĀ“m a trooser-less man And my roving young fellows move freely * So be easy and free in nae boxers or […]
Yowling Kitty (Lyrics, parody of Whistling Gypsy Rover)
by Pam Owens, August 12, 2004 Another submission by Mother Pockets for my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD. This song is set to the tune of “Gypsy Rover” and tells the story of how kittens are born. A yowling kitty came over my fence In from the alley so shady He whimpered and […]
Cat Hair (Lyrics, parody of Scarborough Fair)
by Cat Barson, December 2, 2004 Cat is fun songwriter out of Atlanta, Georgia who had to submit a nice English parody of “Scarborough Faire” for my cat lovers CD. Why is my house is full of Cat Hair? Meow mix, litter, catnip, and fur Cat hair is now my favorite thing to wear Since […]
Raggle-Taggle Tomcats, O! (Lyrics, Raggle Taggle Gyspy parody)
by Cat Barson, February 23, 2005 Wouldn’t you know that someone named Cat would submit a song for my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD. This one is a parody of the traditional Irish song, “Raggle Taggle Gypsy” about some tomcats who catnap… or kidnap, rather, a tabby who doesn’t want to go home. […]
Cuddles McGish (Lyrics, parody of Arthur McBride)
by James Hazlerig, March 15, 2005 Cedric from the Bedlam Bards submitted this song for my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD about a cat who avoids enlisting in a dog brigade. I knew an old tomcat named Cuddles McGish, As we were catnapping down by the food dish, And dreaming of catnip and […]
The Mining Ship the Red Dwarf (Lyrics, parody of The Bonnie Ship the Diamond)
by Marc Gunn, February 23, 2005 It’s taken me over a year “research” this song (boy, if research were like this in college…). At long, I finish it. The song is a parody of the Scottish song, “The Bonnie Ship the Diamond.” It tells the story of the “coolest” character on the British TV show […]
Molly Malone (Lyrics, cat song parody)
by Emilee Rush, December 4, 2004 The great Irish ghost story is reborn as we hear about how Ms. Malone was also very kind to the cats of Dublin. It was written for my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD. In Dublin’s fair city, when I was a kitty, I first cast my gaze […]
Outside My Window (the Zombie Tango)
by Marc Gunn, September 15, 2004 I started this song with a melody that was sorta 50s-ish with one of those ancient themes of man coming to meet his lover in the middle of the night to sweep her away. Then, I thought it be much more entertaining if that lover was a zombie! Course, […]
Uncontrollably Charmed (Lyrics)
by Marc Gunn, July 1998 I wrote this poem several years ago inspired in part by love of Dungeons & Dragons and in part by my young, passionate view of love. Throw back your neck for the vampire. The sire will drain you of your needs. He’ll bleed away some grand design That you were […]