Raggle-Taggle Tomcats, O! (Lyrics, Raggle Taggle Gyspy parody)

by Cat Barson, February 23, 2005 Wouldn’t you know that someone named Cat would submit a song for my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD. This one is a parody of the traditional Irish song, “Raggle Taggle Gypsy” about some tomcats who catnap… or kidnap, rather, a tabby who doesn’t want to go home. […]

Cuddles McGish (Lyrics, parody of Arthur McBride)

by James Hazlerig, March 15, 2005 Cedric from the Bedlam Bards submitted this song for my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD about a cat who avoids enlisting in a dog brigade. I knew an old tomcat named Cuddles McGish, As we were catnapping down by the food dish, And dreaming of catnip and […]

The Mining Ship the Red Dwarf (Lyrics, parody of The Bonnie Ship the Diamond)

by Marc Gunn, February 23, 2005 It’s taken me over a year “research” this song (boy, if research were like this in college…). At long, I finish it. The song is a parody of the Scottish song, “The Bonnie Ship the Diamond.” It tells the story of the “coolest” character on the British TV show […]